Thursday, February 18, 2010

Astronomy and Quran

Even after the science has proven the miracles of Quran still in this time some of the intellectual people who even read Quran online don’t believe in the Quran to be a divine book of Allah. Allah has explained all the scientific theories for the people who think so that they can come to know of the divinity of Quran.

Islam was the first religion that gave the concept of one of God. Before that mankind was divided into religions that believed in number of Gods. This gave room to science to evolve and discover the universe. For example the big bang was the reason for the creation of the world. This reason was scientifically given about 50 years back where as Quran learning tells us that this reason was given about 1400 years ago in the holy book Quran.

As said in the Quran

“Do the unbelievers not realize that the heaven and the earth used to be one solid mass that we exploded into existence? And from water we made all living things. Would they believe?”(21:30)
Similarly Quran says about the movement of the planets and the stars as follows:
“And He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in its own orbit”. (21:33)

According to the recent discoveries astronomers have formed an opinion that the sun is mobile at the rate of 20 km/s. Join online Islamic school to learn more about what Quran has to say about astronomy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

How To Integrate Photoshop and HTML In Order To Make Amazing Web Templates?

There are only the following two forms of web templates which are widely accepted:

1. PSD (Photoshop document)
2. HTML (Hyper text markup language)

Basically, the Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program that helps in image creation, editing and processing but the PSD are not reusable like HTML Templates. The text which is written cannot be edited and the PSD source file templates come in handy when one wants to make heavy customizations to a website template. Its features are as follows:

• Improved file management
• Support for 16- bit images
• Customized workspace
• Unparalleled efficiency

We need to know definitely about the web template coding i.e. slicing the image to HTML documents. We would need one copy of PSD to make changes and the HTML template is a new solution to the old problem. People of website design frrm wrote CGIs (Common gateway interface) by scattering print statements throughout Perl scripts and the HTML that ended up on the user's screen was literally embedded in the Perl script. These types of scripts were very difficult to maintain even a small change, like switching fonts, required a programmer to edit the script.

HTML Template allows Perl programmers and HTML designers to work totally independently and the HTML designer’s only need to learn a few new tags and the customization is limited on HTML templates. A good custom web design can also be useful because HTML templates are very easy to work upon and you just need to add text on it, resulting into a highly classy professional website. As, these templates can be modified easily so it also saves a lot of time. You can find a lot many free web templates on different sites.

It is completely your choice that you can start with PSD or HTML web templates, depending upon your expertise, knowledge and skills in this field. You can start with HTML template at any point of time, but PSD gives you more decent look. There are countless opportunities in designing with photoshop, it still depends upon your website's requirements and budget as to what features to add and what not.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How To Design a Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam mattresses are design in such a way that helps people to sleep comfortably at night. It is made up of polyurethane; with the addition of chemicals which further increases the levels of viscosity and density. The density of the foam directly correlates to heat. At warm temperatures, the foam becomes much softer. However, at cooler temperatures, the foam becomes firmer. This is one of the uniqueness of memory foam mattress.

Memory foam was originally designed in 1970s for NASA; memory foam was used to help protect astronauts from the effects of the forces of gravity. Memory foam was finally introduced to consumers in the 1990’s. Memory foam mattress is made up of viscoelastic, material. The foam is pressure and temperature sensitive which allows it easily to conform your body's shape without increasing pressure. This is what makes it so comfortable and reduces stress on your joints, back and neck.

Many people are suffering from different types of pains and discomfort during sleep at night, and they usually tossing and turning on bed, and could not sleep well. Memory foam mattress topper is specifically designed to improve this tossing and turning which affects the quality of one’s sleep. The memory foam absorbs heat from the body and relieves pressure on various parts of the body.

Joint pain caused by a variety of ailments, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and cancer treatments, can also affect the quality of one’s sleep. Different types of back problems and symptoms can be resolve with the use of different types of mattresses. People who are suffering from the Paget’s disease often used to have a lot of problems with the sleep during the night. For such people it is a good idea to use the memory foam mattresses, which is designed to reveal the pain during the sleep and to provide a comfortable sound sleep.

The most important key to buy memory foam mattress is to check how comfortable the mattress is. If people are suffering from chronic back problems. I will suggest you to spend at least ten minutes on several different mattresses. Tossing and turning side by side and make sure that mattress provides enough support to allow the spine to rest in its natural state.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Effective Ways To Make Money with Online Writing

There are too many ways to make online and online writing is one of them so, if you want to make money online writing then this article explains some very effective ways in which you can do this. So, get started today and you could be making money as soon as possible. It’s a very simple process actually and it requires only from you to have a passion for a certain subject and an imagination.

Write Articles For Other Site Owners

It is a fact that a good SEO Services Company always utilizes the best services of a good content writer. So, you can write an informative article that contains around 500 words then you can sell this to website owners for up to $10 each. So, you must be aware that the subject of your article is in high demand and you optimize your article for the search engines.

Write Articles For Your Own Website

If you have created a website on a certain subject or on a single article then you can write articles for the directories such as EzineArticles too that actually allow you to put links in the resource box. This activity can be very helpful in link building and you can get some good backlinks by following this process. This drives targeted traffic to your website and generates sales or leads.

Start A Blog

It is quite possible that you can start a blog to share your thoughts with other people who have a passion for the same thing if you have an interest in a certain subject. And after a few months you could grow your blog into an online community that will help you generate sales from either affiliate programs that are connected to your niche or from relevant AdSense adverts.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Low Back Pain May Be Caused By Kidneys

Apart from the spinal cord and nervous system being the common reasons, lower back ache and pain may also be caused by improper functioning of the body organs, particularly kidneys. If your chronic pain treatment has failed to diagnose the real causes of your back pain, you must watch out for any kidney problems.

Two major reasons for back pain resulting from kidneys include:

1. Kidney Stones: Kidney stones are a basic reason to suffer from back pain arising from kidneys. Kidney stones resemble calcium deposits that pass through and destroy the lining within the kidneys while travelling. Unfortunately, if kidney stones start moving, you’ve very little left to do to control it. Therefore, timely preventive measures are necessary to avoid this problem. You can naturally avoid kidney stones by maintaining a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water that flushes your kidneys and keep the calcium deposits from structuring. If this doesn’t help, consult doctors who may prescribe pain medication to prevent you from kidney stones.

2. Kidney Infection: Kidney infections are another form of kidney disease causing back pain. Being both mild and severe in intensity, if not treated on time can lead to kidneys damage. Kidney infections may cause shooting back pain, extending to abdominal pain. Considering the danger of such pain, it’s important to consult a proper pain management center to get your kidney infection treated.

However, you can again drink plenty of water on your part to help get rid of kidney infections.

Now that you know that chronic back pain may be caused by kidney disorders, make sure you address this problem effectively.